Sunday 23 December 2012

What is it? #13 revealed

photo: wildstock
This bird is called a fieldfare,Turdus pilaris . It's a member of the thrush family and flies in from Scandinavia during October and stays until Spring, feeding on fruit, berries and invertebrates. Fieldfares are very sociable and can group together in flocks of over 200 birds.
Less than four pairs of Fieldfare now nest in the UK, making this bird a breeding rarity and a Red List species in the Birds of Conservation Concern review.

Although few birds breed in this country, when they do nest, they protect their eggs by bombarding thieves with their faeces. Clever, smaller birds often nest nearby to take advantage of the extra protection and the fieldfares themselves often nest in colonies, probably to protect themselves from crows. 

To help protect our breeding birds The Wildlife Trusts are working closely with farmers and landowners to promote wildlife friendly practices. we are working towards a 'Living Landscape': a network of habitats and wildlife corridors across town and country with are both good for people and wildlife.

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